This is then followed by a blank screen and you are not able to visit any additional web pages in the browser window. This is very annoying, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, there is no fix available for this at the moment.
This is a known issue with Blogger (the service that we use to create and host our blog pages), and it effects our pages as well as all of the blog sites that they host. You can read more about it here. They are currently working on fixing the problem, and we will let you know as soon as we learn that it is resolved.
In the meantime, if you encounter this error, as a workaround, you have a few options: you can open a new browser window or tab in Internet Explorer and revisit our site; you can quit Internet Explorer and then revisit our site, or use the Firefox web browser to visit our site.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to give us a shout below if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Still no update from Blogger. We are not convinced that the issue is with the Followers gadget, since we have never used it on our blog and yet our users still experience this error. We have found that we can minimize the error messages by limiting the number of gadgets that we include on our blog that use JavaScript.
Seems something similar may be plaguing users of Shutterfly. We haven't seen any solutions for Shutterfly users either. If anyone finds a fix or additional information, please post it as a comment below.
Here are a few links from Microsoft that shed some additional light on the issue: a description of what generally causes the error and a claim from Microsoft that the issue is resolved by upgrading to IE8.
For other Blogger users out there, we discovered that we were able to eliminate the Operation Aborted error for IE users by removing some Gadgets and JavaScripts, particularly HTML/JavaScript Gadgets that have JavaScript embedded in them.
We find that if we add one more HTML/JavaScript Gadget and/or if we embed one more JavaScript in our existing HTML/JavaScript Gadgets that the Operation Aborted message returns.
We currently have 7 HTML/JavaScript Gadgets wich include 4 embedded JavaScripts, 2 Ad Sense Gadgets, and 15 Total Gadgets. The issue does not appear to be related to any particular Gadget, and we never at any point had the Followers Gadget loaded.
We were also able to resolve the issue by switching our comment settings from "Embedded" to "Full Page". This tip is courtesy of The Real Blogger Status.
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